Get insight on how to receive benefits quicker.
Unemployment benefit claims have reached levels not seen since the Great Depression. This issue has caused uncertainty and a slowing of benefit payout to workers. Join my office and Russell Best, EDD Employment Program Manager III on this call to get insight into best practices to receive benefits quicker. The EDD will also answer the most common questions asked during this COVID-19 pandemic.
My office has organized this virtual town hall, and I encourage you to participate in this important discussion.
Thursday, June 4
3 p.m.
Call In Number: (888) 204-5984
CODE: 3731564
Because of the volume of virtual guests we are expecting, live questions will not be possible. Those who wish to submit questions, please do so by Wednesday, June 3 at 10 a.m. by emailing my office.
Event information can be found on my website as well as additional COVID-19 resources.

Eloise Gómez Reyes
Assemblymember, 47th District
Capitol Office: State Capitol P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0047 Tel: (916) 319-2047 | District Office: 290 North D Street, Suite 903 San Bernardino, CA 92401 Tel: (909) 381-3238 |