

For information on voting, input the following website: MM chose not to post the whole document here because of its size and length (19 pages). MM

Local Organizations , News


From the president of MACA (Mentone Area Community Association), Gabe de la Rosa, MM received this e-mail:

California has the highest poverty rate in the nation, and at least 7 million residents are unemployed. Still, somehow Gavin thinks that we’ll all be able to buy $100,000 electric cars in just a few years?!

“There is no limit to what Gavin will think of next. He will not stop until he controls every aspect of our lives and does it without our opinion and even without the legislature.
His desire to force his agenda on our lives is criminal.

“Our Governor doesn’t realize that people in California are struggling. He is out of touch, and it’s time for him to be recalled.

“We are facing a major fundraising deadline in less than a week, and currently, we will come up short on our goal. It is expensive to collect over 1 million signatures and we need help from grassroots supporters like you.

“Our Tax lady in town across from Mill Creek Cattle Co  [Ed.’s note: Sherlock’s] has the petitions. You can go in and sign( she has been there most days).

“CA Revival The California Revival PAC’s goal is to restore balance and prosperity to CA by qualifying the recall of Gavin Newsom, protecting Prop 13 and supporting candidates who believe in that mission! To support California Revival’s mission, chip in $10 or more today!

Paid for by California Revival ” .

No word as to where to send the requested $10 donation. mm



MM’s opinion about the County Supervisors raising their salaries was corrected by Scott Ward, of the Supervisors’ office, when he provided the actual summary of the proposed charter revision, as follows:

It appears that the County Supervisors will be earning less money, rather than more, as MM suggested. Our bad! mm


MM lost its very capable intern, Levi Remington, at the end of August, so it has been struggling with the vagaries of the host company’s website; that’s why the articles above on the Countywide Plan are out of order. However, Levi prepared tutorials for readers and MM before he finished the course, for which MM thanks him. Sometimes it just takes time to learn all the intricacies. MM



Scott Ward, a representative of the County Board of Supervisors, stated on Tuesday night at the phone-in Chamber of Commerce meeting that the County is considering a change to the charter, after 107 years of the same charter. The public are invited to comment and some of the initial ones indicate that Supervisors’ pay will be raised. Interested readers can view, to view the proposed changes and public comments. Sorry this is late but MM just learned about it.



From Scott Ward, of the Board of Supervisors’ office, after he apologized profusely for sending the info for Measure Q:

“The correct information is for Measure J. These links for the SBC Registrar of Voters page contain Measure J information. Https://, and”

Thanks to Scott for providing this information. [Ed.’s note: Knowing that the BOS are raising their own salaries was interesting and helpful, too.] MM



This came from the San Bernardino County website:

Following recommendations from the Planning Commission (9/17), the Board of Supervisors is considering the Countywide Plan for adoption on October 27, 2020. The meeting’s agenda will be published on the County’s website  [Ed.’s note:] prior to the meeting. Visit the “Library” [] section of the Countywide Plan for links to download all of these documents (2020 Public Hearing Draft Documents). Read below for more information and individual links.

  • Final Environmental Documents
  • Draft Policy Plan
  • Draft Business Plan – Governance Element & Implementation Plan
  • Community Action Guides


Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR). The County received dozens of substantive comments on the Draft EIR released in June 2019. These comments were carefully reviewed and additional analysis was conducted to ensure the County could respond appropriately. The Final EIR contains copies of the public comments, the County’s responses, and a description of the corrections/changes to the Draft EIR.

Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). CEQA requires that when making findings regarding significant impacts, the County adopt a reporting or monitoring program for changes made to the project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment.

Findings of Facts and Statement of Overriding Considerations (FOF/SOC). CEQA requires the County to adopt Findings of Facts and a Statement of Overriding Considerations when it chooses to approve a project that may result in significant and unavoidable impacts. [Input] to access the FEIR, MMRP, and FOF/SOC.POLICY PLAN

Draft Policy Plan. Released earlier in July, the Draft Policy Plan was updated based on public input and recommendations from community and agency stakeholders to strengthen policies on environmental justice and fire design and safety. [Input] to access the revised Draft Policy Plan.

BUSINESS PLAN:The Business Plan directs the integration of Countywide Plan goals, policies, and actions into the way the County operates and develops its budget. The Business Plan consists of a policy-based governance element and an action-oriented implementation plan, and two new implementation tools: a tracking and feedback system and fiscal analysis model. While the implementation tools will be finalized during the first year after adoption, the County has developed its Draft Governance Element and Draft Implementation Plan.

Draft Governance Element. The Governance Element attempts to capture and preserve the existing way in which the County provides consistent, transparent, effective, and accountable governance for future leaders and the public. The Governance Element lays the foundation for County leadership, decision-making, and operational processes.

Draft Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan identifies the key next steps (immediate, short-term, and mid-term) the County needs to take to implement the various aspects of the Countywide Plan. The actions include initiatives by the County as well as decisions that involve public and private development projects, investments, and programs. [Input download the Draft Governance Element and Draft Implementation Plan.

COMMUNITY ACTION GUIDES: The County released revised drafts of the Community Action Guides (CAGs) in early 2019. For all but four communities, the 2019 Draft remains unchanged and is the version that will be submitted to the Board of Supervisors. Minor changes were made to four CAGs based on continued input from community members: Lucerne Valley, Newberry Springs, Pioneertown, and Mountain (the latter is a fundamental plan covering Forest Falls and Mountain Home Village). For these four communities, the 2020 Draft represents the latest version. [Input] to access the latest Community Action Guides.”

Thank you to MACA for sharing this e-mail with MM.



“After years of analysis and public engagement, the Countywide Plan has reached an important milestone. The final documents suitable for use and consideration in public hearings have been released. These documents were reviewed by the Planning Commission on September 17, 2020.
“Visit the Library section of the Countywide Plan for links to download all of these documents (2020 Public Hearing Draft Documents). Read below for more information and individual links.
“Final Environmental Documents
Draft Policy Plan
Draft Business Plan – Governance Element & Implementation Plan
Community Action Guides
Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR). The County received dozens of substantive comments on the Draft EIR released in June 2019. These comments were carefully reviewed[;] additional analysis was conducted to ensure the County could respond appropriately. The Final EIR contains copies of the public comments, the County’s responses, and a description of the corrections/changes to the Draft EIR.
“Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). CEQA requires that when making findings regarding significant impacts, the County adopt a reporting or monitoring program for changes made to the project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment.
“Findings of Facts and Statement of Overriding Considerations (FOF/SOC). CEQA requires the County to adopt Findings of Facts and a Statement of Overriding Considerations when it chooses to approve a project that may result in significant and unavoidable impacts.
“[Put the following in your search bar”] to access the FEIR, MMRP, and FOF/SOC.
Draft Policy Plan. Released earlier in July, the Draft Policy Plan was updated based on public input and recommendations from community and agency stakeholders to strengthen policies on environmental justice and fire design and safety.
Put the following in your search bar: to access the revised Draft Policy Plan.
The Business Plan directs the integration of Countywide Plan goals, policies, and actions into the way the County operates and develops its budget. The Business Plan consists of a policy-based governance element and an action-oriented implementation plan, and two new implementation tools: a tracking and feedback system and fiscal analysis model. While the implementation tools will be finalized during the first year after adoption, the County has developed its Draft Governance Element and Draft Implementation Plan.
“Draft Governance Element. The Governance Element attempts to capture and preserve the existing way in which the County provides consistent, transparent, effective, and accountable governance for future leaders and the public. The Governance Element lays the foundation for County leadership, decision-making, and operational processes.
“Draft Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan identifies the key next steps (immediate, short-term, and mid-term) the County needs to take to implement the various aspects of the Countywide Plan. The actions include initiatives by the County as well as decisions that involve public and private development projects, investments, and programs.
Put the following in your search bar: to download the Draft Governance Element and Draft Implementation Plan.
The County released revised drafts of the Community Action Guides (CAGs) in early 2019. For all but four communities, the 2019 Draft remains unchanged and is the version that will be submitted to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. Minor changes were made to four CAGs based on continued input from community members: Lucerne Valley, Newberry Springs, Pioneertown, and Mountain (the latter is a fundamental plan covering Forest Falls and Mountain Home Village). For these four communities, the 2020 Draft represents the latest version.
Put the following in your search bar: to access the latest Community Action Guides.



Scott Ward, representative of the County Board of Supervisors, told the phone-in Chamber of Commerce meeting on Tuesday night that the 107-year-old charter is being remodeled, aka “Measure Q.” Following is the Ordinance:


The public are invited to make their comments about the proposed changes prior to the election. Following is the attachment A to the Ordinance, stating what change is being made. Interested readers may access information and see present public comments at


Local Organizations


During the Mentone/Redlands wars of the early 70’s, San Bernardino radio station K/men sided with Mentone. I [Mike Kunert] thought it may have had a connection with the Tyrants Car Club that cosponsored the Annual Hot Rod at the National Orange Show every year, but in this recent conversation with Ted Ziegenbusch, who grew up in San Bernardino and worked at K/men (before he moved on to the top LA Stations) I learned “The rest of the story”. This 3-minute clip is both fun and educational. If anybody should happen to have a recording of “The Mentonians” mentioned, we would sure like to get a copy of it.

“I Remember Radio

“The story behind ‘The Mentonians’. Ted [Ziegenbusch] began his career at K/men Radio in San Bernardino. During his years at K/men, he worked with K/men alumni William F. Williams and the now famous K/men Hot Air Balloon. At the time, songwriter Jim Webb was attending San Bernardino Valley College. Upon seeing the bright and colorful flying basket, Webb wrote the hit song Up, Up & Away for the 5th Dimension. Ted often found himself holding the ropes that kept that balloon from drifting too far away. That job looked a bit less glamorous in 1967. Visit us at”

You can also see “Mentone-K/men connection explained by Ted Ziegenbusch” on YouTube: a 3-minute interview. MM

[Courtesy of Mike Kunert, “You know your from MENTONE if. . . . on Facebook]