Vol. 2, No. 1 — January 2019
At the MACA meeting Tuesday night, copies of the Highland Community News for December 28, 2018 were being shared; the lead article stated that, despite several requirements, Orange County and Lewis Homes are planning to resume their efforts to develop the area east of Highland – the “Harmony”project against which Mentonites fought in 2018. Those requirements include: 1) a new bridge over Mill Creek; 2) consideration of an alternative, to reduce the number of homes to 1400; 3) mitigation of Riverside an Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub habitat for endangered species; 4) Hydrological studies should be complete before construction begins; 5) addressing the problem of 34,000 daily vehicle trips in
and out of the project area and 6) finalization of wastewater treatment plans.