Vol. 2, No. 2 – March 2019

About Mentone, California – By and For Mentonites
Vol. 2, No. 2 – March 2019
Vol. 2, No. 2 – March 2019
Vol. 2, No. 1 — January 2019
At the MACA meeting Tuesday night, copies of the Highland Community News for December 28, 2018 were being shared; the lead article stated that, despite several requirements, Orange County and Lewis Homes are planning to resume their efforts to develop the area east of Highland – the “Harmony”project against which Mentonites fought in 2018. Those requirements include: 1) a new bridge over Mill Creek; 2) consideration of an alternative, to reduce the number of homes to 1400; 3) mitigation of Riverside an Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub habitat for endangered species; 4) Hydrological studies should be complete before construction begins; 5) addressing the problem of 34,000 daily vehicle trips in
and out of the project area and 6) finalization of wastewater treatment plans.
Vol. 2, No. 1 — January 2019
In its second December issue, Mentone Matters reported that Dawn Rowe of Yucca Valley was elected to fill the last two years of James Ramos’ term as Third District Supervisor. However, Ms. Rowe was actually appointed to the position.
Some complained that the Brown Act was violated, in that all 48
applicants were not heard and supervisors held secret meetings to narrow down
the field to 13 and then 5. According to http://wp.sbcounty.gov/cao/county
wire/?p=4051, “The voter-approved County Charter requires the board to appoint a qualified elector (individual residing in the Third District and registered to vote 30 days prior to the application period) to fill the remainder of the unexpired term, otherwise the responsibility for the appointment transfers to the governor. The charter does not specify a process for the board to follow in making an appointment. . . The voter-approved County Charter requires the board to appoint a qualified elector (individual residing in the Third District and registered to vote 30 days prior to the application period) to fill the remainder of the unexpired term, otherwise the responsibility for the appointment transfers to the governor. The charter does not specify a process for the board to follow in making an appointment.
“On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors is scheduled to discuss and determine the process it will follow in making an appointment assuming the vacancy occurs in the Third District, which includes all or portions of the cities of San Bernardino, Grand Terrace, Colton, Loma Linda, Highland, Redlands, Yucaipa, Barstow, Big Bear Lake and Twentynine Palms, the Town of Yucca Valley, and surrounding unincorporated communities and areas. A detailed map can be viewed at http://www.sbcounty.gov/Main/Pages/BOSDistricts.aspx. The public will have an opportunity to comment on the process the Board of Supervisors will follow for making an appointment.
The public will have an opportunity to comment on the process the Board of Supervisors will follow for making an appointment.
Vol. 2, No. 1 — January 2019
(Religious organizations meet on Sundays unless otherwise noted)
Rocky Point Fellowship
2116 Mentone Blvd.,
Mentone, 92359
Avodah Fellowship (Friday nights):
Rocky Point Fellowship (in the fellowship hall)
2116 Mentone Blvd., Mentone, 92359
Faith Chapel
1259 Agate Ave.,
Mentone, CA 909-863-8145
Seventh-Day Adventist Church of Mentone (English and Spanish)
(Saturdays 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.) 1230 Olivine Ave., Mentone Mentone, CA 909-799-3521 Mentonechurch.org
Mentone Indonesian-American SdA Church (Saturdays)
1331 Turquoise Ave.,
Mentone, CA 909-799-3521
New Life Christian Women’s Luncheon @ Mill Creek Cattle Co.,
Mill Creek Cattle Co., 1st Thursday of the month
AA/NA Rocky Point Fellowship,2116 Mentone Blvd., Mentone, 92359, Tuesdays
Republican Committee Tea Party,
Mill Creek Cattle Company,
1874 Mentone Blvd., Mentone, First Wednesday each month, 10-2
Vol. 2, No. 1 – January 2019
Vol. 1, No. 19 — December 2018
In our most recent edition we stated our ignorance of how the Chamber got involved in the tax fight (due to lack of time to call everyone who might have been involved and ferret out the whole story, before getting back to much more pressing matters). Shortly after publishing that edition we received the following e-mail:
“The Chamber of Commerce was asked to lend its name to the list of complainants. The Board was surveyed, and approved the request. In none of the correspondence, with the principles, (sic) was there any mention of financial contributions. So, rather than ‘getting a free ride’, we have been waiting for further communications. If there is a request for funds, it will be presented to the Board of Directors of the Chamber, for discussion, and action. Prior to publication of the December Mentone Matters, the Chamber was not contacted by the editor to clarify any of the story.”
David W Wilder, President, Mentone Chamber of Commerce
Mentone Matters stands corrected. We hope all who were copied on the e-mail enjoy the rest of this edition. -MM
Vol. 1, No. 19 — December 2018
Vol. 1, No. 19 — December 2018
A Noteworthy Realty and the Mentone Chamber of Commerce held its open house Christmas party on December 17, from 4-8. Many members and families came, including Santa, said Gabe and Angie DeLaRosa, hosts. “Santa was there for the guests to enjoy. We also had food, played a game with prizes and sang some Christmas Songs out in the front of the building,” they added.
The DeLaRosas also told Mentone Matters that the “Mill Creek Cattle Company had their Christmas Party on December 19 for their workers and the public was invited, with free food and drink and DJ.”
Chamber of Commerce and MACA members Warren Wendel (treasurer) and Gabe De La Rosa (president of MACA and vice-president of the Chamber and C.O.M.E.T.) put up the yearly Seasons’ Greetings, lighted tree and annual Mentone tumbleweed Snowman at the location of the Welcome to Mentone Sign by the Hovey Tile Company. Owner Dean Hovey generously allowed use of his area and electricity for the display,” the DeLaRosas concluded.
Vol. 1, No. 19 — December 2018
Because the former Supervisor for the area in which Mentone is located, James Ramos, was elected to the State Assembly, Dawn Rowe of Yucca Valley was elected to fill the last two years of his term. Ms. Rowe “will be attending some [MACA] meetings,” according to Gayle Covey, Field Representative, Third District Supervisor for San Bernardino County. Welcome, Ms. Rowe!