After COMET filed its Petition for Review in the California Supreme Court, Redlands had until the time limitation of December 23 to file its Answer, after which COMET could file a Reply. Redlands did not file anything, so COMET is now waiting for the Supreme Court to grant or deny review.

Again, the “questions presented” in the Petition included 1) whether Redlands’ demanded annexations and “pre”-annexations, before it will provide water and sewer services, violate several [California] Codes and case law ; 2) whether the forced annexations violate the Takings Clauses of the United States Constitution; 3) Whether a challenge to the “pre”-annexation “Agreements” without further proceedings, triggered the time limitations of California Code of Civil Procedure Section 860 [Ed.’s note: the basis on which the case was thrown out, rather than “substantive” issues]; and 4) Whether the appellate court possessed jurisdiction to reverse the trial court’s finding of COMET’s associational standing, when COMET and Redlands did not appeal that issue.

The Court only reviews 3% of the Petitions it receives.

“The high Court refused to grant COMET’s fee waiver of the $710 filing fee, despite multiple requests and proofs of need therefor,” said Joyce Caraway, COMET’s attorney for this case. If anyone wishes to contribute to COMET’s legal costs, they may forward contributions to C.O.M.E.T. at P.O. Box 246, Mentone, 92359. MM

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